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Home -> Our tip -> Good deal for dogs: CANI GOURMAND

CANI GOURMAND PROMO CODE - Make your dog happy by saving!

good dog food plan - canigourmand - natural treat - emmenetonchien

Is your dog greedy? Make him happy by ordering from the Cani Gourmand shop, our partner specializing in natural candy treats, without additives, without preservatives and without cereals. 

You can find on the Cani Gourmand online store : ox muzzles, ox skin, boar skin, deer antlers, ostrich bones, calf hooves…. Chewable treats that will keep your dog busy!!! On this subject you can read or reread the article Occupy your dog while he is away – the chewing trick

Order smart with the promo code dedicated to Wouafer's exclusively: EMTC 
This promo code gives access to a 10% discount on the first order, offer cannot be combined.