Between fleas and ticks, osteoarthritis, hunting, toxic mushrooms and night walks, here is everything you need to know for a peaceful autumn with your dog! And avoid all the dangers of this lovely season.

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Hello Wouafer's. Autumn has arrived. Walks in the forest, piles of leaves, mushrooms, the beautiful colors of the trees, the chestnuts are yours... But be careful if this season is magical, it is not without risk for your dog. 

Although the arrival of autumn keeps us away from risks such as heatstroke or even processionary caterpillars, our dogs will have to avoid other dangers. 

Let me list all the risks for your dog in the fall. Prevention is better than cure. Fleas and ticks, osteoarthritis, mushroom or chestnut poisoning, hunting and night walks: you will know all about the dangers of autumn for your dog.

Fleas and ticks in autumn: watch out for diseases for dogs

In Autumn, the number of fleas and ticks increases. For what ?

The answer is quite simple. Blame it on the weather conditions. Indeed, humidity and heat are synonymous with proliferation for fleas and ticks.

cute dog in autumn

Your dog is therefore more likely to be attacked by these pests in autumn. And guess where they love to hide? In the piles of leaves that our dogs love to explore. If your dog is like Musher, he probably loves jumping in and rolling around in it. But be careful, danger! Fleas and ticks transmit many diseases such as Lyme disease,  tapeworm, piroplasmosis… 

Double beware because these diseases can also affect humans!

If your dog has fleas or you have found a tick, observe your dog carefully for a few days and if he shows any unusual symptoms like fever or listlessness and take him to the vet so that your vet auscultation. If your dog seems very tired, has a fever and his urine is brown, this is probably a sign of illness. Indeed, these symptoms are typical of piroplasmosis, a very common disease among our four-legged friends which is transmitted by ticks.

Although all dogs can get fleas and ticks, some seem to attract them more. A dog that has long hair, large hanging ears and a long tail that goes up its back will be more likely to encourage the proliferation of fleas and ticks. There is nothing fatalistic about it, however if you have a dog with these characteristics, you will need to be extra vigilant! After each walk, inspect your dog under a magnifying glass. A good brushing also helps eliminate some parasites.

If you would like to know more and better understand the characteristics of your dog, do not hesitate to take a look at the sheets on all the dog breeds referenced on the site

Osteoarthritis: a scourge for old dogs when autumn returns

The return of cold and humidity can promote osteoarthritis and the pain that this joint disease causes. Senior dogs or dogs with joint problems may suffer from this.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis are varied and are characterized by prostration, an unusual gait, difficulty making daily movements (climbing the stairs, jumping, getting out of your shopping cart, etc.). 

If you experience symptoms, go to the veterinarian to diagnose whether your dog is suffering from osteoarthritis. 

Although this disease is incurable, its effects can be delayed through early diagnosis. You can also relieve your dog with appropriate treatments that reduce the pain he experiences.

If your dog suffers from osteoarthritis, when autumn and humidity arrive, don't forget to place his basket out of drafts and next to a radiator. Heat relieves joint pain.

Monitor your dog's diet and weight. Indeed, these factors have an influence on the joint pain and inflammation.

In addition, you can give him suitable massages depending on the breed of your dog and its needs. Consult your veterinarian beforehand so that he can show you precisely the movements to perform.

Mushrooms, chestnuts, chestnuts and pine cones

The arrival of autumn is synonymous with picking mushrooms, collecting chestnuts, chestnuts and pine cones.

Our dog friends love to taste everything that comes under their noses. This is why you must be very careful about what your dog ingests during your walks, especially those in the forest! 

Indeed, for example, the oyster mushrooms and morels are edible for humans but like these, some mushrooms can cause poisoning for our dogs. In case of poisoning, please go to the veterinarian as quickly as possible. If you want more advice for preparing your next walks in the forest with your dog, I invite you to read or reread the special Mag' article on the subject.

Chestnuts, chestnuts and pine cones also present their share of risks. For example, ingesting a chestnut can cause your dog to develop intestinal obstruction. Pine cones can damage your pet's digestive tract because of their scales. On the other hand, your dog can also become poisoned if he ingests chestnuts, nuts or even acorns. Intoxication results in vomiting, diarrhea or even apathy on the part of your dog. 

To avoid this type of problem and a trip to your veterinarian, stay attentive during your walks and above all try to keep your dog's attention on a toy or ball. Your dog will thus be less tempted to nibble on things that are dangerous for him.

walking in the forest with your dog in autumn, dangers to avoid

Hunting: walking safely with your dog

The arrival of autumn also heralds the opening of the hunt. You will therefore need to remain very vigilant during your walks in the countryside. To avoid an accident, respect the signs indicating hunting areas and do not venture off the trails. It is also best to keep your dog on a leash because he may become frightened and run away if he hears a bang. Or he may be tempted to follow the trail of a game chased by the hunters' dogs and run off into the thickets. 

Also choose fluorescent clothing for yourself as well as a fluorescent leash or harness for your dog. This will help you not to be confused with game.

There are numerous accidents caused by hunting each year. So stay on your guard and plan your walks away from hunting grounds.

And to check the opening periods for hunting, you can look on the website of the French biodiversity office in clicking here.

Night walks: equip your dog for his safety

Autumn means shorter days. Although it's tempting to stay warm at home, your dog still has the same need to go outside. If you skip these daily walks, your dog risks spending his energy getting into mischief around the house. 

Walking at night with your dog however, requires a little equipment for optimal safety, whether for you or for your four-legged companion. 

Dress in reflective clothing in the dark. You can do the same for your dog with a harness or a fluorescent vest. 

Furthermore, equip your dog with a light collar, a small lamp to hang on his leash as well as a GPS tracker. The GPS tracker will allow you to locate your dog even in the dark. If, like me, you walk in the countryside with your dog loose, being able to find him no matter where he is is a big plus for his safety. 

I hope this article has answered your questions. Continue to follow our advice for new adventures! Enjoy autumn with your dog and without danger 😉